Monday, December 2, 2013

So I am what?

Once I found out I was adopted I started to question why..  I think it's a very normal response but it plagued me into adulthood.  First of all I didn't have kids so I didn't understand the hardship of raising kids at that time.  But I always wondered about the circumstances..was my mom a teenage mother? Was she just selfish and didn't want any children? I didn't knowvif I would ever know...and I wanted to know...all the why, what, who, when's and how's. At this point in my life I couldn't imagine just walking away from a child.  But I was not bitter or mad at my mom or dad just more than curious to find out who I was. 
Don't get me wrong since it was never mentioned again growing up I felt a lot of guilt about wanting know.  I had a great childhood and wouldn't have changed a the guilt laid heavy with feelings of betrayal of those who adopted me, loved me as their own and raised me the right way....

Thursday, November 14, 2013

How I found out I was adopted...

I sometimes wonder if my adoptive parents would have ever told me I was adopted....
I love my mom and dad and they are great parents, I had a great childhood, but they weren't the type to discuss things....I guess they grew up in a different generation where somethings were just hush, hush....
I was playing outside with my neighborhood friends one day.  I had to be around 8 yrs old or so.  Well girls will be girls and one of the older girls (whose brother, was my adoptive brother's bf) got angry at me and said well your adopted so na na boo boo....or something close to that.  She said it to hurt me but it just made me confused.  Once she said it I thought she has to be wrong...all I knew was now in question.  In fact I really thought my brother was the one adopted, he looked so different than my mom, dad and myself.
I ran home to get this straightened out.  Its the way I am today, and obviously was back then- straight to the point.  I remember asking my mom and she stumbled around the question for a few, asking me of course where I heard that from.  After my explanation she sat me down and told me....Yes, you were adopted.  I don't remember much of the discussion after that but they gave me a book to read about it.  The story was relevant for a child of my age and helped explain a lot of things. 
I couldn't help to, my adoptive mom and dad bought me.  I was worth a whole lot to them, but why wasn't I worth it to my biological parents.  Its just how kids feel about finding out they are adopted....specially when there isn't much explanation that comes with it.
It seemed to bring more questions than answers.  I wondered why my mom would do that to me? I wasn't mad at her, but just curious how someone could do that.  This thought pattern continued thoughout my life.  I couldn't help it...