Monday, December 2, 2013

So I am what?

Once I found out I was adopted I started to question why..  I think it's a very normal response but it plagued me into adulthood.  First of all I didn't have kids so I didn't understand the hardship of raising kids at that time.  But I always wondered about the circumstances..was my mom a teenage mother? Was she just selfish and didn't want any children? I didn't knowvif I would ever know...and I wanted to know...all the why, what, who, when's and how's. At this point in my life I couldn't imagine just walking away from a child.  But I was not bitter or mad at my mom or dad just more than curious to find out who I was. 
Don't get me wrong since it was never mentioned again growing up I felt a lot of guilt about wanting know.  I had a great childhood and wouldn't have changed a the guilt laid heavy with feelings of betrayal of those who adopted me, loved me as their own and raised me the right way....